Our Jewels By Dunn Interview One on One

Our Featured Designer of the Month of December - Jewels By Dunn Interview
I love the name Jewels By Dunn. Can you tell us where it came from?
The story is quite interesting actually! I was sitting in a hair salon and a Shaman told me I was going to start a Company very soon and to name it with the letter D! I thought he was crazy, as I was making a trend of not keeping jobs so I put it off. Two weeks later, my sister taught me how to Macrame bracelets and people started loving them! I spent $100.00 and my first sale was nearly 8 times that. After I put two and two together, and being as superstitious as I am, I had to name it with the letter D. It wasn't easy as there is no "D" in my name so after frustrating research I called my sister and said "I'm done" I can't think of anything. She blurted out Jewels by DUNN and that's how it began!
Have you always lived in Miami and designed in Miami and do you think that is a large influence on your work?
I was born in NYC, lived in Malibu for a few years in my pre-teens, came back through high school, went to school in Arizona and eventually moved down to South Beach. I use insane amounts of color (neons do NOT get old for me) for Resort and Summer always and I know it is highly attributed to the Miami scene. I would say, Spring is for any Resort Destination!
When you design pieces are you designing for yourself or for a target customer and who is that customer?

In the beginning I only designed for myself. As the business grew, I realized not everybody had the taste of a 25 (now 29)year old funky artsy chick so I had to change something. I will say, I won't let anything with my name on it not have somewhat a splash of Taryn in it. I would get too bored making stuff that doesn't excite me!
What hot new jewelry trends do you see coming in the near future?
I am seeing tons of reworked Pearls which I am loving. I think layering is here to stay and I am finding that people are really wanting to take bigger risks with their Jewels. I love what Dolce and Gabana did this year with the chunky long pieces. I hope that becomes a big one because they are SO fun to make!
What jewelry designers do you love or think have inspired your work?
Jennifer Fisher and Jen Meyer are really pioneers in what they do. When it comes to the fine Jewels I love what Irene Neuworth does with Opals. She is a genius.
Lastly if you had to wear one piece of jewelry for the rest of your life which piece would it be and why?
OH NO, SO MANY!!! Probably my @jewelsbydunn nameplate because it tells everyone who I am and where to go without any questions