5 Awesome 80s Jewelry Trends

Like the ’80s were totally gnarly. No other decade brought about so many crazy trends. From neon hair to punk and bright colors everywhere. Neon was hot and with it brought some amazing 80s jewelry options.
We decided to compile a list of 5 Awesome 80s jewelry trends that you definitely remember. Whether you liked them or not, these 5 jewelry styles are classics. So without further ado I introduce our picks.
1. Eighties Charm Bracelets and Charm Necklaces
When thinking about my childhood in the eighties, it brings to mind of all the little plastic charms I gathered for my plastic charm necklace. Back then it was the bomb.

Finding different small plastic charms in different shapes to add to my plastic chain link necklace took up so much time. I still remember my chain was vibrant pink. It took me 2 years to find all of the charms I wanted and fill up the necklace.
I then spent another year looking for plastic charms to go on my plastic chain charm bracelet. It had to match my necklace. One would think that this was completely senseless. Maybe it was, but it was fun and I rocked the 80’s.
2. Plastic Bangle Bracelets
Our second pick for the list of our Awesome Eighties Jewelry are plastic bangle bracelets. I remember collecting these bangle bracelets and seeing how many I could fit on my arm.
Neon pink, green, an orange were my favorite colors. Some had small white or black polka dots and some were only solid colors. It took me a year to get tired of them. I remember fitting thirty-three of these plastic bangle bracelets on my arms. I was very proud of this accomplishment.

This was the Eighties and I wanted to stack them like Cyndi Lauper was doing. These bracelets were amazing but not as cool as our next pick.
3. Eighties Jewelry Goomie Bracelets
One of my all-time favorites and our next eighties jewelry pick are Goomie Bracelets. These were also known as jelly bracelets. They had to match my jelly shoes. Don’t even get me started on my jelly shoe collection of the 80’s.
Anyway, I liked the colors of the jellies, again these were bright and vibrant, just like everything was during most of the 80’s. I had millions of these and they also came in glittered versions. The more the better.

For a while I worse just black to be cool also. The simplicity of these things is what made them so amazing. These were essentially the eighties jewelry version of Silly Bandz. Someone just got smart and re-released them with a little twist and made a fortune.
Why wasn’t it me?
4. 80s Jewelry Trend of Fat Ropes Chains
While I never actually rocked this style myself in the 80’s it certainly was a huge jewelry trend. Rope chains became most popular through rap music that was getting more coverage and press back then.

RUN DMC were the ones who really made this trend popular and these fat gold chain necklaces were being worn by all the rappers. They were also called Dookie Chains. The more you had the cooler you were.
Remember MR T and his fat stack of 80’s gold rope chains. He was the man.
5. 80s Jewelry Trend of Slap Bracelets
The last 80’s jewelry pick for our list are slap bracelets. The slap bracelets were just as they sounds. A bracelet that was flexible and was put on by slapping it around your wrist.

They basically were like vertical blinds that would wrap around your arm kind of like a tape measure bends when you touch it. I had a ton of these things and then I seem to remember them being banned at school.
Either someone got hurt or they got tired of them distracting the kids but the eighties slap bracelets definitely grabbed a spot on our list of 5 awesome eighties jewelry trends even though I think they may have crossed into some of the nineties as well.
80s Jewelry Legends
The jewelry trends in the 80s were unique and embraced the vibrant neon colors. It made everything fun and colorful. The 80’s was a time for change and a time to have fun with no worries. This was seen in expression whether it clothing or jewelry. From Madonna to Cyndi Lauper to David Bowie and Motely Crue, the eighties was an exciting decade all around.
I love the eighties and miss them, jewelry and all!